The Assumption is Our Feast, Too
“What happened to Mary, in a profound and preliminary way, will also happen to us in the end.” – Monsignor Charles Pope
“What happened to Mary, in a profound and preliminary way, will also happen to us in the end.” – Monsignor Charles Pope
“We can and should allow the Feast of the Assumption to inspire in us a desire to imitate the saints’ focus on that which is ‘not of this world.'” – Thomas Griffin
“Our sins do not disqualify us from becoming saints, they serve as the soil for the conversion that Jesus wants to work in us.” – Thomas Griffin
“The dying boy was carried to the pope in the protecting arms of a Christian soldier and Sixtus was able to tell him gently, ‘Tarcisius, Jesus is safe. You can let Him go now.’” – Denise Trull
“He asks us, ‘Do you also want to leave me?'” – Monsignor Charles Pope
“By these gifts, we steer a middle ground between rejection and indulgence, excess and defect.” – Monsignor Charles Pope
“While our lives might not have such visible experiences of God’s Spirit we all have Pentecost moments.” – Thomas Griffin
“Since Pentecost is approaching, we will consider some of the biblical images for the Holy Spirit, and in so doing, strive to learn more about what God the Holy Spirit does for us.” – Monsignor Charles Pope
“By going before us, Jesus our Head has given us the right to follow Him there some day, and we can even say with St. Leo, ‘In the person of Christ, we have penetrated the heights of heaven’ (Roman Breviary)” – Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen
“Christ did not merely resume His former life. The disciples were not to cling to their former understandings of Him as Rabbi and teacher; now they were to grasp more fully that He is Lord.” – Monsignor Charles Pope