Category: Meditations: Seasonal

The Great Mystery is Accomplished

“Of all the works done by God in time and outside of Himself, the redemptive Incarnation of the Word is the greatest.” -Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen


Hypostatic Union – Mystical Union

“Prayer that binds this poverty of spirit around itself like swaddling clothes gives God the space and freedom to manifest anew Divine Humility at work in humble humanity.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles


Advent and the Pilgrimage of Pregnancy

“A beloved priest friend of mine asked, ‘What is it like to love someone you haven’t met yet?’ I didn’t have the words for it then, and I don’t now. Yet a line from the Psalms came quickly to mind: ‘When will I come to the end of my pilgrimage and behold the face of God?’” – Emma Adams


Five Advent Themes

“The heavens and the earth as we know it will pass away but we who are ready look forward with joy to a “new heavens and a new earth” where the justice of God will reside in all its fullness.” – Monsignor Charles Pope


Their Amen: The Feast of All Saints

“Imagine the glory of billions of new thoughts, stories, and insights that will come from being perfectly members of Christ and of one another. Imagine the peace that will come from understanding and being understood. This is deep, satisfying, wonderful communion—not crowds of strangers.” – Monsignor Charles Pope

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