You Are My Beloved: A Movement of the Heart Part 2
“When you give something precious, you must not spread it around in pieces, and you must not give it half-heartedly.” – Glenn Dickinson
“When you give something precious, you must not spread it around in pieces, and you must not give it half-heartedly.” – Glenn Dickinson
Marriage is not only a beautiful earthly reality but also a mystical sign and symbol of something greater than itself. David Torkington expands our understanding of this sacrament.
David Torkington encourages us to persevere in prayer, even in the dry times, for that is the only path into contemplation.
If you are busy juggling family, friends, work, and prayer, trying to balance works of mercy with your daily duty, prayer time with household chores, and marriage with ministry, then let today’s saint be an inspiration, as she is for Claire Dwyer.
Meeting each morning as an opportunity for prayer and love – in motherhood, in the workplace, in the many nooks and crannies of the world – that is possible. And it strengthens us for the heroic, the impossible, the possible-only-with God. That is the secret of St. Gianna, Claire Dwyer reveals.
How did the Catholic Church heal this divide? What brought a loving Protestant couple’s marriage to ruins and how did the Catholic Church heal this
Why do we need Lourdes? Of all of the Marian shrines in the world, Notre Dame de Lourdes in France is most associated with healing. Bernadette Soubirous
THE MARRIAGE OF OUR LADY “As the Church is subject to Christ, so also let wives be subject to their husbands in all things. Husbands,
Just this week I celebrated the seventh anniversary of my marriage to my incredible wife Stephanie. Not according to our plan, but God’s, we were
Marriage Spirituality Index Listing of Marriage Spirituality Posts Dear Friends, I thought it might be helpful to provide an index to our marriage spirituality posts