Veni Creator Spiritus “Come, Creator Spirit” English & Latin
Come, O Creator Spirit, visit our minds. Fill with your grace the hearts you have created. O you who are called Paraclete, gift of the
Come, O Creator Spirit, visit our minds. Fill with your grace the hearts you have created. O you who are called Paraclete, gift of the
Current social, economic, and political conditions are shaking the world. Those of us used to living in relative comfort are receiving the blessing of learning
Solemnity of Pentecost Come Holy Spirit! Prayer to the Holy Spirit Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the
Unleashing the Power of Pentecost A Retreat Guide on the Holy Spirit With Pentecost, a new liturgical season will begin. Every new liturgical season is
Dear Father John, in my teen years I spent a few years in the Pentecostal world of faith. But when I went to university I
Dear Friends, I had the fascinating opportunity to spend some time with Archbishop Bashar Warda of Erbil (Northern Iraq) last week. I was blessed to
I Need Peace, I Need Your Prayers… Dear Mother Luisita, I am deeply troubled by things that seem so trivial and I can’t seem to
Does the Holy Spirit work in the un-baptized? Dear Father John, I thought I understood, more or less, how the Holy Spirit works in
The Source of our Joy … and a Prayer Request! More than 200 hundred of you responded to our holiday poll regarding joy and sorrow.
Dear Father John, I thought I understood, more or less, how the Holy Spirit works in our lives. But in a recent faith sharing group,