Category: Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Thou Shalt Renew the Face of the Earth

“However, for the rest of us, the Spirit’s fruits seen in our actions are preceded by a change in our perspective, a perspective that differs in its clarity and purity because our eyes now see with Love. These fruits become our attitude.” – Debra Black


Fixing vs. Facing

“It is only when we face the fuller depths of our humanity – in all its beauty and brokenness – that we can die with Christ and rise with him.” -Fr. Derek Sakowski


The Master Has Need of You

The reading which opens the liturgy for Palm Sunday reminds us that the Lord makes himself dependant on lowly things–and that includes us, Claire Dwyer reflects as we begin Holy Week.


‘You Will Receive Power’

Dr. Mary Healy teaches that healings are signs that the Kingdom of God is at hand; indeed through the power of the Holy Spirit, it is in our midst.


A Call to Greatness

“This is not a moment of paralysis.  This is a moment of action.  Our Lord has entrusted us with this particular time, and we must be both worthy and brave in facing this hour.” Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell has a message for our times.


The Master Has Need of You

The reading which opens the liturgy for Palm Sunday reminds us that the Lord makes himself dependant on lowly things–and that includes us, Claire Dwyer reflects as we begin Holy Week.

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