Category: FEATURED

The Liturgical Actions of Sacramentals

In prayer, the Church turns toward Almighty God; accordingly, prayers are part of the Church’s liturgical action. Sacramentals “always include a prayer, often accompanied by


Deepening Your Spiritual Life With Novenas

“The liturgical calendar creates a rhythm for our lives – seasons of feasting and fasting, and entering into prayer with a novena leading up to a feast day within those seasons can help us to encounter these feast days in a more active way.” – John-Paul and Annie Deddens


Exorcist Diary: Satan Consumed by Revenge

“Satan’s entire existence seeks revenge against God whom he believes victimized him. He is spending every ounce of his dark energy forever lashing out against all that is holy.” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti


The Mysteries of the Angelus

“This seasoned exorcist told us that the first spiritual exercise he and the Doloran Fathers give to anyone suffering from spiritual affliction and seeking their assistance is the discipline of praying The Angelus at the three specified times daily.” – Ruth Engelthaler


Exorcist Diary: Coughing Up Demons

“Preternatural coughing and vomiting during an exorcism are typically a positive development since they are a sign that demons are being cast out.” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti

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