God Has a Penchant for Stumps
“Motherhood is that rooted stump. It looks humble from the outside looking in.” – Denise Trull
“Motherhood is that rooted stump. It looks humble from the outside looking in.” – Denise Trull
“A beloved priest friend of mine asked, ‘What is it like to love someone you haven’t met yet?’ I didn’t have the words for it then, and I don’t now. Yet a line from the Psalms came quickly to mind: ‘When will I come to the end of my pilgrimage and behold the face of God?’” – Emma Adams
“Consider whether God is calling you to add, subtract, shift, or simplify certain commitments so that you can meet Him with greater vulnerability and consistency.” – Megan Hjelmstad
“Sarah’s grandmother — surely a devout church lady – one whom I had never met, taught me something: pain can be directed; It can be purpose-filled.” – FB Smit
“Motherhood calls us to a mature understanding of love, which is deeply satisfying.” – Christine Hanus
“Oh how the devil hates this beautiful gift of motherhood! In every age, he renews his assault against it, and against the precious daughters of God who are called to it.” – Fr. Derek Sakowski
“Jesus Christ did not come into the world to give us the grace to do it all, but to liberate us from the illusion that we possibly can. This opens up the hope that God will always provide, and the vision to see that He already, always has—not in color-coded schedules, but in a creative brilliance of unpredictable days as only He can.” – Claire Dwyer
“One would not expect to find any sort of Divine inspiration in such a scenario as late-night Walmart. But that would be to underestimate the creative ways God finds to crash into our distracted little brains.” – Denise Trull
“As I slowly work through a re-reading of the diary, I’m slowly working on seeing the world through the lens of God’s mercy.” – Danielle Bean
“Look to your Mother who rests her ear to the ground just above your prison cell.” – Rob Marco