Category: Motherhood

The Necessary Luxury of Slow

“Humbled, I recommitted to what I knew to be true: the spiritual life is better as a sit-down dinner than a drive-through.  And in both eating and praying, I needed to allow myself the necessary luxury of slow.” – Claire Dwyer 


Behold the Lamb of God

“I asked myself: how many times have I lifted up the Lamb without really realizing what I was doing or saying?” – Fr. James Brent, O.P.


Guadalupe Should Change You

“It was not that I doubted the importance of the Mother of God on our faith; I simply never experienced her. That all changed when we arrived on the holy ground of this Marian apparition.” – Thomas Griffin


Our Blessed Mother

“Sharing already in Jesus’ Ascension glory, our Blessed Mother is able to provide the tender nurturing, the fierce protection, and the motherly mentoring that we may have missed out on.” – Fr. Derek Sakowski


The Slow Years: Productive vs. Fruitful

“When others are crushing goals and breaking ceilings, we will find solace in the fact that our ‘becoming’ years are making it possible for us to bear fruit that will last.” – Claire Dwyer


Parenting is a Purgative Way

“My eyes were opened to how precise and beautiful God’s plan is—that the living out of our vocation purposefully, intentionally, of giving in and giving way and saying yes to every cry and every sticky summons and sleepless night—and saying no to what my wounded nature wanted so badly—was a radical kind of inner house cleaning.” – Claire Dwyer


There is no “Deserve”

“In the wake of Evan’s death, the sadness I experience because I didn’t live up to my own expectations as his mom is probably the hardest to let go. It seems I deserve it. But why should I cling to my failures when life and love await?” – Lani Bogart


Only God Can Convert: on Parenting and the Spiritual Life

“As a parent, you introduce your child to the faith, and you live your faith life infused in everything you do, but you can not control or direct your child’s relationship with the Lord. Father Jacque Phillipe says ‘A plant can’t be made to grow by pulling it up’”. – Dr. MaryRuth Hackett


Woman–Happy Mother’s Day!

“Whether you are single, consecrated, religious, or married; whether a physical mother or not, the feminine gift of maternity allows a woman to mother another. Through her body, in her thoughts, her words, and actions, women engender life in others.” – Rebecca Sande

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