Category: Exorcism

Exorcist Diary: Demons Hold Onto Lies

“Satan is called the ‘Father of Lies,’ (Jn 8:44), Mendacii Pater in the Rite of Exorcism. I have noticed that demons will sometimes visibly react when the phrase Mendacii Pater is spoken aloud in the Rite.” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti


Exorcist Diary: The 3 Rs for Casting Out Demons

“In deliverance work, an important step in the process of liberation is cutting the relationship between the individual and the evil spirit. While a simple rejection would likely suffice, we have found these three R’s to be a bit more thorough and decisive.” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti


Exorcist Diary: Do Saints Choose Us?

“Many times we nurture a devotion to a particular saint, thinking we have chosen the saint. It may be the other way around. Maybe, by the grace of God, a particular saint is chosen for us.” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti


Exorcist Diary: Priests Cursed by Witches

“The number of people practicing witchcraft in our country is rising exponentially. The number of priests is dropping. There are spiritually difficult times ahead. But, in the final analysis, all the witches in the world are powerless in the presence of Christ.” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti


Exorcist Diary: Demons Witness to Sanctity of Knights of Columbus Founder

“The exorcism was moving forward but when Fr. McGivney was invoked, it was taken to a new level. Upon reflection, we were not surprised that Fr. McGivney was so effective against demons of freemasonry since he had dedicated his life to an alternative: the Knights of Columbus.” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti


The Virgin of Vladimir

“Why have I have been praying before the Virgin of the Ukraine for years?” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti

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