Exorcists Weigh in on Reported Possessions in Mexico (Video)
Two American Exorcists Weigh in on Reported Mexican Possessions There is one place where not even the most adventurous thrill seeker should tread: into the
Two American Exorcists Weigh in on Reported Mexican Possessions There is one place where not even the most adventurous thrill seeker should tread: into the
Father Fortea, are only those who want to be condemned actually condemned? No one really wants to be condemned. But some choose to be condemned
Father Fortea, what is the greatest evil? According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the greatest evil is sin (CCC 1488). Since God is
Father Fortea, does “infinite evil” exist? No, evil is limited. Evil always exists in a finite being; it does not exist in itself. While an
Father Fortea, what are the types of evil? While the variety of particular evils is infinite, theologians typically distinguish between physical and moral evils. Remember
Will Evil Exist Forever? An Exorcist Responds Will Evil Exist Forever? Father Fortea, will evil exist forever? Yes, in a certain sense. The clear teachings
What is Evil? Father Fortea, what is evil? Evil is the lack (or privation) of a good that should be present in a thing. For
Parish Priest Aids Family in Fight Against Demons In an exclusive National Catholic Register interview, Father Michael Maginot discusses his role in serving as an
Father Fortea, does evil really exist? Yes, it does. The first thing we need to know is that evil – like good – is an