St. Francis de Sales on How to Fight Temptation
Although we should do what we can to avoid the temptations we are able to foresee, temptations will nevertheless arise that we are unable to
Although we should do what we can to avoid the temptations we are able to foresee, temptations will nevertheless arise that we are unable to
Our interior conversations come to silence when we learn to transform them into prayer. As a rule, only God can have direct access to the
In prayer, the Church turns toward Almighty God; accordingly, prayers are part of the Church’s liturgical action. Sacramentals “always include a prayer, often accompanied by
No saint has escaped temptation. Three times was the Master of them all tempted by the evil one — in the desert, on the high
The unexpected death of a loved one is the hardest for people to deal with, particularly when the person is in seemingly good health and
Aurelius Augustinus, who is considered by most to be the greatest Father of the Church, was born on November 13, 354 A.D., in Numidia at
Below is one miracle recounted through the intercession of St. Therese. On March 3, 1972, Nogent-le-Roi’s firefighters took me to the hospital in Dreux after
There is something in the name of Jesus that is awesome and fascinating. Hence, the quiver of an intercessor cannot be complete without it. The
God’s Mercy Gives Us the Strength to Cope with Life The young Church, after the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles on the first Pentecost,
Love of God The more we love God, the more we will grow in holiness. And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord.” (Luke 1:46)