Category: Avila

A World Without Them: Facing the Crisis in the Priesthood

“We know that in the harshness of our cultural climate, each priestly vocation, and each young discerner’s heart, is a fragile thing that must be loved and held sacred and formed into maturity. It must stay anchored to an unflinching branch in order to become fully itself: healed, restored and radically free.” – Claire Dwyer


To Be Salt and Light: The Well-Formed Writer

“In the end, it comes down to just that—what are you called to?  But if you are called to communicate the Faith, and feel drawn to deepening your formation with a respected certification program, then you can be confident that others will see your completion of it as a sign of credibility.” – Claire Dwyer


“I Was Made For This”

“It’s so encouraging to see these seminarians, all full of hope and desire, ready to pick up the Cross of Christ and bear it into the world with their ‘yes.’” – Dr. Joseph Hollcraft


These Men Matter

“When you give to the Avila Foundation, these men receive a gift not unlike the one God offered me so long ago: they receive the companionship of fellow discerners, the spiritual fatherhood of holy priests, and the knowledge that people like you care.” – Joseph Hollcraft


These Works of God are Hidden

“We have an enemy who has great interest in keeping our eyes on what appears to be dead and dying but through the stirrings of the Holy Spirit, the Father wants us to see what He is about and through His Son, join in his great work.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles


When I’m Tempted

“If there’s one thing my time at Avila has helped me understand, it is that not all the thoughts in my head are my own. And I’ve learned to renounce and reject the suggestions that ‘things will always be this way’ or ‘why bother?’” – Ann Virnig


It Depends on Where You Look

“As Catholics who desire the restoration of all things under Christ, who long for renewal and a return of reverence and integrity in our Church and right order in our culture, it might sometimes seem that we are similarly suspended in an eternal ecclesial winter.” – Dan Burke


Vocation Crisis: A Turning Point?

“The world may emphasize the vocation crisis, and for a good reason—the numbers do not look good — BUT I have a front-row seat to hope, the hope that is born from watching men give their radical yes to a higher calling.” – Dr. Joseph Hollcraft

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