My Appetite for Information is Endless: Is Curiosity Bad?
“Usually we associate greed with money. But we can also be greedy when it comes to knowledge.” – Fr. John Bartunek
“Usually we associate greed with money. But we can also be greedy when it comes to knowledge.” – Fr. John Bartunek
Jessica Fehy continues her look at acedia.
Could one’s obsessive use of media be rooted in acedia? Jess Fehy informs and challenges.
Fr. John Bartunek answers a reader’s question about the good and the bad of being curious. He explains the difference between the virtue of studiositas and the vice of curiositas.
What sins are most hurtful to our relationship with God? Dan Burke and Melissa Elson speak with Dr. Kevin Vost about his book “The Seven Deadly Sins: A Thomistic Guide to Vanquishing Vice and Sin”.
Should people who do evil be excused? Are they culpable for sinning? Does God heal them after they die? Catholic therapist Allison Ricciardi explores these questions and more.
Having a Rule of Life 30 Days with Teresa of Avila Day 20 Reflections Divine Intimacy Radio Listen to reflections on letters from St. Teresa
THE HOLY INNOCENTS “ Then Herod, perceiving that he was deluded by the Wise Men, was exceedingly angry, and sending, killed all the men-children that
Dear Father John, Many spiritual writers and saints have cautioned against excessive curiosity. Why is this? Curiosity leads to knowledge and knowledge is a virtue.
Dear Father John, This is really interesting guidance. In the catechism, we learn that root sins are seven and they are, 1) pride, 2) covetousness,