The Epiphany of the Lord
“O that all nations would acknowledge You for what You are, that all might prostrate before You, adoring You as their Lord and God!” – Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen
“O that all nations would acknowledge You for what You are, that all might prostrate before You, adoring You as their Lord and God!” – Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen
“In celebrating Epiphany—in celebrating God’s manifestation to the nations, we are not celebrating a light that has come and gone, like a flash in the night. We are not looking back with nostalgia to a better day that can never return.” – Fr. John Keehner
What does the Epiphany mean? What 3 gifts does Jesus want placed before the manger? Find out as Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects on this solemnity.
THE MAGI IN JERUSALEM “And Herod the King hearing this, was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. And assembling together all the chief priests and
THE STAR IN THE EAST “Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, in the days of King Herod, behold, there came Wise