You Are My Beloved: A Movement of the Heart Part 2
“When you give something precious, you must not spread it around in pieces, and you must not give it half-heartedly.” – Glenn Dickinson
“When you give something precious, you must not spread it around in pieces, and you must not give it half-heartedly.” – Glenn Dickinson
‘“Gift” is only gift if we give all the pieces. That is what integrity means. It means being authentically human – not just a spiritual or cerebral being, but also fully alive in our emotions, our imagination, and our desires’ – Fr. Derek Sakowski.
Theology of The Body & Spiritual Warfare W/Fr. Jim Boland | Discussion Find the live stream used for todays show on @DoThe_HarderThing Instagram. Do The Harder
“We all know how important the Totus Tuus Marian consecration was to JP II. But what’s striking here is what he identifies as the most pressing reason for him to make this total entrustment to our Lady. He wants to be sure in ministry that he truly receives others as a gift.” – Fr. Ignatius Schweitzer
Does what we do with our bodies affect our spiritual and apostolic lives? Find out when Dr. Peter Howard reflects on the dualism we sometimes unknowingly fall into and when he challenges us to come alive with Christ.
Dan Burke and Melissa Elson discuss the second rule of Saint Ignatius of Loyola’s Discernment of Spirits, focusing on the movement toward God and recognizing the effect of the enemy on our spiritual progress; Divine Intimacy Radio.
How does one respond to a gay child who wants gay “marriage” and still remain faithful to the Church and Her teaching? Find out when Fr John Bartunek examines this question and provides resources that may help.
Chastity: A Hymn to God’s Providence In a way, Dawn Eden’s newly released Catholic edition of her popular The Thrill of the Chaste is