Returning Love for Love
What is the substance of true devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus? Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects on today’s solemnity, an excerpt from his classic Carmelite meditation book “Divine Intimacy”.
What is the substance of true devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus? Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects on today’s solemnity, an excerpt from his classic Carmelite meditation book “Divine Intimacy”.
Our eternal salvation is at risk if we do not engage in prayer. Dan Burke explains the Doctors of the Church’s wisdom in this short video on mental prayer.
What is the mystery of hope? Find out when Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects in an excerpt from his Carmelite meditation classic “Divine Intimacy”.
Dan Burke and Melissa Elson answer your questions about sharing spiritual experiences and focusing the mind in prayer.
What is the best way go about praying for someone, or some intention, which we’ve been asked to pray for? Dr. Joseph Hollcraft shares powerful advice on what we should keep in mind when interceding for others.
What did Christ teach us about vocal prayer? Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects in this excerpt from his Carmelite meditation classic “Divine Intimacy”.
How can we tell if we are spiritually healthy? Find out when Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects in this Easter Monday excerpt from his Carmelite meditation classic “Divine Intimacy”.
The Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist, the sacrament which Jesus established on the night of the Last Supper: Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects in this excerpt from his Carmelite meditation classic “Divine Intimacy”.
What do the blessed palms we receive today represent? Find out when Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects on Passion Sunday today, as we begin Holy Week.
What significance does sorrow play in our prayers? Dr. Anthony Lilles explains the special connection with this excerpt from his book “Fire from Above.”