Exorcist Diary: The Isolation of Hell
“Heaven is love, unity and peace. Hell is hatred and isolation. All of us need the warmth of human connection, otherwise our life becomes a true hell.” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti
“Heaven is love, unity and peace. Hell is hatred and isolation. All of us need the warmth of human connection, otherwise our life becomes a true hell.” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti
“Sometimes in exorcisms, we directly experience ‘The Great Accuser.’ Demons may call out our failings. They taunt me when I make mistakes.” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti
“Satan is called the ‘Father of Lies,’ (Jn 8:44), Mendacii Pater in the Rite of Exorcism. I have noticed that demons will sometimes visibly react when the phrase Mendacii Pater is spoken aloud in the Rite.” – Monsignor Stephen Rossetti
The Prince of Darkness: Satan Hides Himself Unlike man, Satan does not love the stage. He does not avoid it for the sake of humility,
What messages do the oppressed hear in their heads?
It’s a place of their own miserable making–and they’ll do anything not to go back.
Fr. John Bartunek briefly recommends additional resources as a way to find the proper answers to questions on the disobedience of the fallen angels, which a reader seeks.
Are we a zombie culture? Have we become numb to evil? What does this have to do with Halloween? Find out what the Blessed Mother, a couple of Popes, an Archbishop and Dr Peter Howard have to say about the world we live in and how to fix it.
Besides corrupting the heart, what are the other two strategies of the devil? Find out when Father John Bartunek concludes his two-part series on this topic, an excerpt from his book “Seeking First the Kingdom”.
Obstacles to Prayer 30 Days with Teresa of Avila Reflections on Day 11 Why are we tempted to stop praying, and what are the consequences