The “Danger” in Admiring the Saints
“The danger that we face in honoring the saints is that we admire them–but from a distance.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock
“The danger that we face in honoring the saints is that we admire them–but from a distance.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock
“Our sins do not disqualify us from becoming saints, they serve as the soil for the conversion that Jesus wants to work in us.” – Thomas Griffin
“Anthony’s call was unique. It was special. But so is yours.” – Thomas Griffin
“In these holy parents, I discovered seven hallmarks: Sacramental Life, Surrender, Sacrificial Love, Suffering, Simplicity, Solitude, and the Sacredness of Life.” – Patrick O’Hearn
“There was my answer: If I wish to become a saint, then God’s will must be my greatest aim.” – Valentina Imhoff
“I willingly reorder so many things in my life and make great sacrifices – but resist and resist letting go of that last thing or two. It’s a false security, rooted in ungodly self-reliance and pride.” – Fr. Derek Sakowski
“Let what was confessed by the Fathers of Nicaea prevail.” So wrote Athanasius to a philosopher in his final years. Even to this day, Catholics
“Elizabeth lived her life with constant awareness of the life of the Trinity within her. In the center of her soul, the ‘secret cellar,’ she found a bottomless depth of the divine.” – Claire Dwyer
“When her body was cut open in a church-sanctified autopsy, the image of a crucifix is said to have been discovered etched on her heart.” – Jenny duBay
Below is one miracle recounted through the intercession of St. Therese. On March 3, 1972, Nogent-le-Roi’s firefighters took me to the hospital in Dreux after