Perseverance and Confidence
What is more damaging to holiness: falling or failing to rise up and try again? Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects in this excerpt from his classic Carmelite meditation book “Divine Intimacy.”
What is more damaging to holiness: falling or failing to rise up and try again? Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects in this excerpt from his classic Carmelite meditation book “Divine Intimacy.”
What do we do if we don’t feel like evangelizing, or dealing with people who annoy us, in the Christian life? Find out what Father John Bartunek advises in today’s post.
How to begin a new prayer routine. The key points to successfully developing a prayer habit. Reflections on the book Finding God Through Meditation.
What does St. Teresa of Avila have to say about giving up on prayer? Find out in today’s excerpt and reflection from 30 Days with Teresa of Avila.
How do we keep going in our commitment to our faith after the initial enthusiasm wears off? Is the “honeymoon” over? Father John Bartunek addresses this common experience and what it says about our level of maturity in the faith.
Get a Vowel You are climbing a mountain, working hard, pushing yourself to fight the fight and finish the race. There are times to relax
ON PERSEVERANCE “He that shall persevere to the end, he shall be saved.” Matthew 24:13 St. Jerome says, that many begin well, but few persevere.
Dear Father John, I have been struggling with some interior trials with forgiveness, resentment and jealousy. I call this “inner ugliness.” I have been praying
Dear Father John, Thank you for the post on root sin. It has definitely helped me. My question is, charity and humility seem to be