10 Ways to Reduce Distractions in Prayer
What can we do to reduce distractions when we pray? Patti Maguire Armstrong shares some helpful advice in today’s post.
What can we do to reduce distractions when we pray? Patti Maguire Armstrong shares some helpful advice in today’s post.
Patti Maguire Armstrong on examines mindfulness from viewpoint of an exorcist and Susan Brinkmann’s new book “A Catholic Guide to Mindfulness”.
Know a seminarian? Know one being ordained soon? Patti Maguire Armstrong shares really helpful hints for gifts which can make a difference!
Besides honoring God, could the law He gave to Moses help us personally as well? Patti Maguire Armstrong makes a case that living according to the Decalogue is better for us spiritually, physically, emotionally.
Can we receive spiritual direction from the saints? Find out when Patti Maguire Armstrong interviews Linda Rose and Teresa Tomeo.
Contemplating Jesus Through Mary of Nazareth Oh to be a mother—so many reasons to both worry and rejoice from pregnancy onward. But to be
Why Porn and Marriage Don’t Mix Even the non-religious world is coming to understand that pornography is not good for anyone. In the [TED] talk
Using the Catholic Faith As Part of Recovery Being Catholic is a walk with resolutions. Every confession and examination of conscious ends with the resolve
Reclaiming Catholic Social Teaching Defending Catholic social teaching against the cultural current can make one feel like a hamster on a wheel–spinning in circles
Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen on Politics Editor’s Note: Today, one day before the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children, Patti Maguire