Tag: Patience

Patience…a Reflection on the Need to Trust the Slow Work of God

“Many of us may well wonder what harm could come from wiping out a few sinners from the face of the Earth or expelling a few more heretics. The Lord does not explain why but simply warns that hasty and severe actions may cause harm even to the wheat.” – Monsignor Charles Pope


The Slow Years: Productive vs. Fruitful

“When others are crushing goals and breaking ceilings, we will find solace in the fact that our ‘becoming’ years are making it possible for us to bear fruit that will last.” – Claire Dwyer


Wait for It

Claire Dwyer reflects on the foundational, unseen work God does in the soul.


The Practice of Patience

How do we acquire the practice of patience? Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen explains how God Himself prepares the perfect way to this virtue, an excerpt from Father’s classic Carmelite meditation book “Divine Intimacy”.


4 Ways to Increase Patience

How can we acquire the all-important virtue of patience that, as Jesus reminds us, is necessary for the salvation of our immortal souls? Fr. Ed Broom explains four different ways to cultivate the virtue of patience.

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