One and One and One are One. A Homily For Trinity Sunday
“As we ponder the Trinity, consider that although there are some things we can know by revelation, much more is beyond our understanding.” – Monsignor Charles Pope
“As we ponder the Trinity, consider that although there are some things we can know by revelation, much more is beyond our understanding.” – Monsignor Charles Pope
“We think we know a few things, and indeed we do—a very few things.” – Monsignor Charles Pope
“There are many paradoxes and seeming impossibilities in the Incarnation. They cannot be fully solved, so they claim our reverence.” – Monsignor Charles Pope
“In a disenchanted age, we need to rediscover the glory of enchantment, of mystery. There is more than meets the eye. Things are deeper, richer, and higher than we can ever fully imagine.” — Monsignor Charles Pope
Dr. Anthony Lilles reflects on true Christian prayer and how it draws us into relationship with the Holy Trinity.
How does the mystery of the Incarnation present itself to us? Enter into Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen’s reflection on the immensity of God’s love becoming flesh for us.
In the Presence of the Trinity Presence of God — The knowledge of Your mystery, O Most Holy Trinity, creates in me profound humility, blind