Have I Committed the Unforgivable Sin?
Dear Dan, I am Catholic. I committed grave sins when I was a teen that I have lived in guilt and anxiety over for almost
Dear Dan, I am Catholic. I committed grave sins when I was a teen that I have lived in guilt and anxiety over for almost
Father Fortea, what is eternal death? The human soul, as a spiritual reality, is immortal (see Catechism paragraph 366). Like any spirit, it is not
The Three Ways: Longing for the Face of God and “Navigating the Interior Life” (Part II of IV) In our last post we introduced the
Dear Fr. John, I am deeply distressed by the outcome of our election. I am beyond myself when I consider that more than 40% of
I was told that receiving the sacrament of the Eucharist while in a state of grave sin is a grave sin in itself. I’m constantly
Dear Father John, As I read your excellent posts on indulgences. A question occurred to me. If a person were to perform these suggested spiritual
Dear Father John, In the Catechism (CCC 2042) the second precept states: “You shall confess your sins at least once a year.” The qualification of