How Should We Pray for So Many Prayer Intentions?
How in the world are we supposed to pray for all the many people and intentions which need our prayers? Father John Bartunek responds to a reader’s question and shows us a way.
How in the world are we supposed to pray for all the many people and intentions which need our prayers? Father John Bartunek responds to a reader’s question and shows us a way.
Find out about Blessed Marie-Eugene of the Child Jesus and his contribution to Carmelite spirituality from Liz Estler’s brief survey of his life and work.
How is Mary both the Mother of God and our Mother? Find out as the Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles reflect on this wonderful gift of God to all of us.
How do we come to officially celebrate today’s Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe? Read excerpts from Pope St. John Paul II’s homily in 1999 given at the Basilica of Guadalupe, Mexico.
What does our Blessed Mother have to do with mercy and the Advent of Christ? Join us as Dr. Peter Howard reflects on this mystery … and ties it all together for us.
The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the temple is an inspiration to us. Find out about the lessons we can draw from it in part II of St. Alphonsus Liguori’s reflection.
What’s it like to be the mother of a seminarian? Find out when Jo Fleming reflects…and shares her spiritual journey.
What do we know of St. Luke the Evangelist? Why is St. Luke so important in this Year of Mercy? Find out when Liz Estler reflects on this illustrious saint and the great gift which he is to the Church.
What are the new times of Noah? And, what role does Mary play in them? Find out when Dr. Peter Howard explains and reflects.
What does Our Blessed Mother Mary teach us to pray? Find out when Dr. Peter Howard reflects on how we can learn from her instruction.