You Are My Beloved: A Movement of the Heart Part 2
“When you give something precious, you must not spread it around in pieces, and you must not give it half-heartedly.” – Glenn Dickinson
“When you give something precious, you must not spread it around in pieces, and you must not give it half-heartedly.” – Glenn Dickinson
“At the heart of it all is the real issue: is God truly my beloved?” – Glenn Dickinson
“It takes a lifetime of joy and challenge, tenderness and tension, difficulty and growth, in order for a husband and wife to summon each other to the holiness that God gives.” – Monsignor Charles Pope
Join us for this Q&A show episode of Divine Intimacy Radio “Can Lay Ministers Give Blessings at the Mass” where we answer your questions on
Join us for this episode of Divine Intimacy Radio “Contradicting Your Spouse in Public?”! If you would like to see the special live audience Q&A
Join us for this episode of Divine Intimacy Radio “Marriage Spirituality Q&A”! If you would like to see the special live audience Q&A which takes
Join us for this episode of Divine Intimacy Radio “Spiritual Warfare In Marriage”!
Demonic possession reveals the depth of marital unity.
The Most Vulnerable Place – and How to Strengthen It with Fr. Timothy Gallagher, O.M.V. Join us in this special Divine Intimacy in Marriage series!
What Now? Dealing with the Election and Difficult Times With Dan and Stephanie Burke on Divine Intimacy Radio!