Advent: A Sacred Ache
“It seemed like centuries of ache coursing through me. It blew through caverns in me I didn’t know were there. I gave in to it. I gave it space to wail itself out.” – Claire Dwyer
“It seemed like centuries of ache coursing through me. It blew through caverns in me I didn’t know were there. I gave in to it. I gave it space to wail itself out.” – Claire Dwyer
“Moving through the year in tune with the Church offers us a sacred rhythm that becomes the most fruitful path to encounter God and His will for us.” – Leila Lawler
When we greet the seasons and days in order of the Church’s rhythm, we can be lifted out of the imminent and into the transcendent.
Dom Prosper Guéranger, O.S.B., abbot of Solesmes from 1837-1875, devoted a whole volume of his great work – The Liturgical Year to
Septuagesima. In his Preface, Dom Guéranger referred to Septuagesima as a season of “transition, inasmuch as it includes the period between two important Seasons, – Christmas and Lent.”