Tag: Healing

The Law of Gift

‘“Gift” is only gift if we give all the pieces. That is what integrity means. It means being authentically human – not just a spiritual or cerebral being, but also fully alive in our emotions, our imagination, and our desires’ – Fr. Derek Sakowski.


Behold: A Webinar with Sr. Miriam James Heidland

“None of us escapes childhood perfectly intact. I hope you will be there as we discuss with Sr. Miriam the wounds of childhood and the power of the Holy Family to lead us to a richer, profoundly healing encounter with the Lord—especially when we are surrendered to the particular graces of this coming holy season.” – Dan Burke


The Paradox of Pain

“Christ does not delay when we hand all it to Him.  His is the paradoxical response, the response of His Divine Mercy, in which the forgiveness we offer heals our own hearts.” – Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell



“Running from pain causes us to develop internal coping mechanisms that atrophy our souls and wear at unsuspecting parts of our spirits.” – Megan Hjelmstad


‘You Will Receive Power’

Dr. Mary Healy teaches that healings are signs that the Kingdom of God is at hand; indeed through the power of the Holy Spirit, it is in our midst.


The Charcoal Fire

Peter must see again to the need to be washed, not just externally, but in the deepest place of wounds and weakness. He must walk with Jesus again, being again called to be made new. What was not possible alone is possible in Christ. Peter is called as living witness that even from our sins, God can make something new and even better.


Stretch for God

Intentional discipleship in the spiritual life begins by turning our attention towards God and stretching out to Him with open hands – ready to receive more of him, Joseph Hollcraft writes.

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