Tag: Grace

The Graces of God

“Regardless of their forms, created graces are given to us to open our hearts to God so that we can personally receive him and freely respond to him when he pours himself out upon us in Love.” – Fr. James Brent, O.P. 


The God of Grace

“Grace, in the first and most important sense, is God’s gift of himself to us. Grace is first of all the mystery of God saying: ‘here, have Me.’” – Fr. James Brent, O.P.


The Gospel of Grace

“There is a  name for the wonderful act by which God reveals his inner secret to us, calls us into his inner life and transmits something of his divine Life to our very souls. The name is grace.” – Fr. James Brent, O.P. 


The Kingdom of Grace

“God works to increase his grace or supernatural life in our souls, but God also calls us to participate in the process of growth through our free choices and various practices. Every one of us is called to go on a journey from the land of our bondages to the land of the living God in the heavenly places.” Fr. James Brent, O.P. invites us on a spiritual journey in the first post of his new series.


Perfecting Nature

Our faith teaches that God perfects us as we are, as He has created us. So this nature in itself isn’t necessarily ‘bad’, it simply needs perfecting.

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