Holy Friendship: Who is Running Next to You?
“I’ve heard it said to encourage those looking for a spouse, yet I think it works equally as well for those seeking a close friend: Run toward Christ, then see who’s running next to you.” – Emma Adams
“I’ve heard it said to encourage those looking for a spouse, yet I think it works equally as well for those seeking a close friend: Run toward Christ, then see who’s running next to you.” – Emma Adams
“If someone can drive out demons in Jesus’ name, we ought to praise the Lord! Such a one is not a foe; the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” – Monsignor Charles Pope
Monsignor Charles Pope considers the need for true friendship.
Brandon McGinley shows how genuine Catholic renewal can emerge only from authenticity to our Catholic identity and tradition, applied to the contemporary world.
Dr. Anthony Lilles reflects on the idea of a true liberal arts education and the idea of an authentic Catholic University according to St. John Henry Newman and from his own experiences.
Friendships can be a source, not only of spiritual growth, but also of great enjoyment and satisfaction — and thus, the ending of a friendship on bad terms can be the cause of considerable pain and sorrow.
Why do friendships die out over the years? Was there really a friendship to begin with? Who is the blame for this result?