Tag: Fr. John Bartunek

117. The Touch of the Lord (Mark 7:31-37)

What does Jesus’ cure of the deaf and dumb man have to do with us? Find out in this excerpt for this coming Sunday’s Gospel from Fr. John Bartunek’s meditation book “The Better Part”.


115. Hard-Hearted Hypocrisy (Mark 7:1-23)

Do you praise someone to their face and hate them in your heart? Do we profess Christ at Mass but fight in the parking lot? How does hypocrisy keep us from allegiance to God? Fr. John Bartunek reflects on this coming Sunday’s Gospel in an excerpt from his meditation book “The Better Part”.


259. Free to Stay or Go (John 6:60-71)

Why do many Disciples leave Jesus while the Twelve stay with Him? What’s required of the Apostles? Find out when Fr. John Bartunek reflects on this coming Sunday’s Gospel, an excerpt from his meditation book “The Better Part”.


258. Eating Right (John 6:52-59)

How do we know that Jesus is truly giving us His Body and Blood in Holy Communion? Find out when Fr John Bartunek reflects on this coming Sunday’s Gospel, an excerpt from his meditation book “The Better Part”.


Is the Occasion of Sin a Sin?

Fr. John Bartunek answers a reader’s question about whether or not the occasion of sin is actually a sin, and what actually determines that.


Disobedience of the Fallen Angels

Fr. John Bartunek briefly recommends additional resources as a way to find the proper answers to questions on the disobedience of the fallen angels, which a reader seeks.

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