But What if I Don’t Feel Like It?
What do we do if we don’t feel like evangelizing, or dealing with people who annoy us, in the Christian life? Find out what Father John Bartunek advises in today’s post.
What do we do if we don’t feel like evangelizing, or dealing with people who annoy us, in the Christian life? Find out what Father John Bartunek advises in today’s post.
How encountering God in prayer and deepening your prayer life can impact your life every day. Why the desire to have a relationship with God important? Dan and Melissa discuss their own encounters with God in prayer and Scripture.
What Keeps Me from Loving Others as Christ Does? (Part I of II) Dear Fr. Bartunek, thank you for this most relevant reflection. In the
Dear Father John, I am a priest providing spiritual direction to a young man suffering with anger problems. He has recently returned to the sacraments.
Dear Father John, I am a fairly recent convert to the faith. My conversion took place over a period of 3 years in which I