Relationships or Activities?
How important are relationships or activities to our apostolate? Find out when Father John Bartunek answers a question on what the Christian mission should be focused on.
How important are relationships or activities to our apostolate? Find out when Father John Bartunek answers a question on what the Christian mission should be focused on.
What do we do if we don’t feel like evangelizing, or dealing with people who annoy us, in the Christian life? Find out what Father John Bartunek advises in today’s post.
What is new about the “New Evangelization”? Dr. Joseph Hollcraft gives us a peek into his new book “A Heart for Evangelizing” as he talks about the ardor, methods, and expression of evangelization that bring it to life in the here and now.
Do you have what it takes to evangelize? Find out what Father John Bartunek says about how the Lord equips us for doing what Christ has commanded us to do.
Spiritual Direction and Evangelization In the Holy Father’s latest Apostolic Exhortation “Joy of the Gospel” (Evangelii Gaudium) he takes time to remind us of spiritual
Life, As I Find It Inasmuch as my life is still consumed with projects related to C.S. Lewis, I’ve been thinking about a little-known aspect
…a reader asks: Dear Father John, With the social media we have today (Facebook, etc.), why do I feel hesitant to share God’s messages such
Life, As I Find It In my last few posts I mentioned that love for the Bible, for the church, for prayer and chicken casseroles
Life, As I Find It In my last post, I recalled how my time as a Baptist actually helped me to become a Catholic –
How Being a Baptist Prepared Me to be a Good Catholic (II of IV) Life, As I Find It I’ve been reminiscing about how my