I am Frustrated with Distractions in Prayer! – Video
I am Frustrated with Distractions in Prayer! How Can I Deal With This? | Spiritual Reflections – This morning I was distracted and struggled with prayer…
I am Frustrated with Distractions in Prayer! How Can I Deal With This? | Spiritual Reflections – This morning I was distracted and struggled with prayer…
How Can I Find Peace in this Noisy World? | Spiritual Reflections – Are there ways we can adjust how we live in order to increase our peace or prayerfulness even in the midst of a busy environment?
Some insist that we must be balanced in our lives and especially in our spiritual commitments. A seminarian once reported that a family member said he was trying to be too holy and this is not necessary – is this a healthy perspective?
How is Christ’s Resurrection from the dead an expression of God’s merciful love? Dr. Anthony Lilles contemplates the triumph of mercy and the grace, the hope, the freedom, which Easter brings to humanity.
On this Good Friday, meditate with Pope Saint Leo the Great on one of his homilies on the Passion of the Lord and God’s great mercy.
What are the new times of Noah? And, what role does Mary play in them? Find out when Dr. Peter Howard explains and reflects.
What in the world is aggressive tenderness? Is there even really such a thing? Find out when the Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles reflect on the Lord’s Divine Mercy.
What does Christ want us to learn from the words, “I desire mercy not sacrifice”? Find out when Liz Estler reflects on how the right kind of mercy pleases the Lord more than sacrifice.
What is Divine Mercy? What does it mean? Can it make a difference in my life? Find out the answers to these questions when Father John Bartunek introduces the latest retreat guide “The Dawn of Mercy”.
What does the Lord’s passion mean for us? Find out when Pope Saint Leo the Great guides us in a Holy Week meditation.