The Peter and Paul Effect
“Our sins do not disqualify us from becoming saints, they serve as the soil for the conversion that Jesus wants to work in us.” – Thomas Griffin
“Our sins do not disqualify us from becoming saints, they serve as the soil for the conversion that Jesus wants to work in us.” – Thomas Griffin
“I want to personally invite you to join me, Stephanie, and a gifted lineup of speakers and spiritual directors and enter into Holy Week renewed and inspired by the sheer power of story.” – Dan Burke
“The Church envisions various scenarios when spiritual direction is needed in the lives of all the faithful.” – Fr. Matthew MacDonald
“Contemplation invites us to an intimacy with God that transcends our senses and is, therefore, beyond words, ideas, and images.” – Fr. Jeremiah Shryock
The Mercy of God W/Fr. MacDonald | Discussion The Book: Conversion by Fr. Donald Haggerty Sponsor: Saintwave33AD Their Instagram: Saintwave Insta Grab some great Catholic clothing
The Understanding of Sin W/Fr. MacDonald | Discussion The Book: Conversion by Fr. Donald Haggerty Sponsor: Saintwave33AD Their Instagram: Saintwave Insta Grab some great Catholic clothing
Lori suggested I read Thérèse’s Story of a Soul. I ordered it to make her happy and to prove I didn’t need this Catholic nonsense. The next Wednesday when I got home from work, there on the coffee table was the book and a dozen roses from my husband. I called Lori. “I got roses!” She said, “Yes, I asked Thérèse to send you some.”- Rose Folsom
The Book: Conversion by Fr. Donald Haggerty Sponsor: Saintwave33AD Their Instagram: Saintwave Insta Grab some great Catholic clothing here: Saintwave.net Use promo code “HarderThing” Find the live
“The Benedictine vow of conversatio morum is a renewal of the baptismal vow. It is an absolute decision that I want to die and rise with Christ, and that I renounce all seductive counterfeits.” – Fr. Derek Sakowski
The tears of one saint, the conversion of another. Dr. David Arias explores Saints Monica and Augustine during the week celebrating their feast days.