Tag: Claire Dwyer

One-Time Spiritual Direction in a Retreat Setting

“Many of us will have the opportunity to experience one-time spiritual direction while on retreat. It can be valuable, but there are certain cautions that experienced directors offer about what to expect and how to make the best use of that single meeting.” – Claire Dwyer


The Master Has Need of You

The reading which opens the liturgy for Palm Sunday reminds us that the Lord makes himself dependant on lowly things–and that includes us, Claire Dwyer reflects as we begin Holy Week.


And Nothing Would Again be Casual and Small

“We have a perfect Author writing our story.  That means that every detail is carefully chosen to advance his plot.  He does not fill pages just to fill pages, and He wastes nothing.” – Claire Dwyer


Is This Your Next ‘Yes’?

Could the Lord be calling you to deepen your interior life and enrich your understanding of Catholic spiritual theology at the Avila Institute? Claire Dwyer gives a nudge in that direction!


Things I’ve Learned in Spiritual Direction, Part 3: The Lies We Listen To

“We hear variations of the lie that we are ‘not enough.’ And yet we have the precise gifts for our particular family, for our exact calling, for this specific cross, in this time, at this place, for this season.  God promises only daily bread, and it is made to order.  We do not have the grace for anyone else’s life—or even for tomorrow—but we have all we need to become more fully ourselves, which is more like Christ, today.” – Claire Dwyer

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