Tag: Claire Dwyer

Let Your Future Self Be Loved

“Discerning God’s will today means considering how it will affect us, our lives, and our loved ones in the future. God wants to love us there.  Will we let Him? ” – Claire Dwyer


A World Without Them: Facing the Crisis in the Priesthood

“We know that in the harshness of our cultural climate, each priestly vocation, and each young discerner’s heart, is a fragile thing that must be loved and held sacred and formed into maturity. It must stay anchored to an unflinching branch in order to become fully itself: healed, restored and radically free.” – Claire Dwyer


To Be Salt and Light: The Well-Formed Writer

“In the end, it comes down to just that—what are you called to?  But if you are called to communicate the Faith, and feel drawn to deepening your formation with a respected certification program, then you can be confident that others will see your completion of it as a sign of credibility.” – Claire Dwyer


Daily Bread

“Jesus Christ did not come into the world to give us the grace to do it all, but to liberate us from the illusion that we possibly can. This opens up the hope that God will always provide, and the vision to see that He already, always has—not in color-coded schedules, but in a creative brilliance of unpredictable days as only He can.” – Claire Dwyer


Advent: A Sacred Ache

“It seemed like centuries of ache coursing through me. It blew through caverns in me I didn’t know were there. I gave in to it.  I gave it space to wail itself out.” – Claire Dwyer

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