Watchfulness: The Invitation of Christmas
“Watchfulness and attentiveness are critically important postures in the spiritual life.” – Thomas Griffin
“Watchfulness and attentiveness are critically important postures in the spiritual life.” – Thomas Griffin
“Of all the works done by God in time and outside of Himself, the redemptive Incarnation of the Word is the greatest.” -Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen
“When we know that the Spirit of God has shown up and begun working in us, there is an invitation to keep returning, keep discerning, and keep receiving.” – Fr. Derek Sakowski
“The very time that imprisons us is the time in which we will be redeemed.” – Fr. Derek Sakowski
“Are we not incredibly privileged to be people of the New Testament, witnesses to the life-changing power of His coming?” – Dan Burke
“We celebrate at night so as to bid farewell to the darkness. It cannot prevail. It is destined to be scattered by a Light far more powerful than it is, a Light it must obey, a Light that overwhelms and replaces it.” – Monsignor Charles Pope.
His name will be Emmanuel: God with us (cf. Isa. 7:14; Matt. 1:23). If we understand the significance of this name Emmanuel, we will find
“Both Mary and Joseph show us how their yes fosters a state of obedience in their souls toward God that gives them freedom.” – Fr. Matthew McDonald
What I find most interesting about the appearance of the angels to the shepherds is their message and their song, because the angels’ message and
“Jesus makes his age the fullness of time because that is when he comes.”- Thomas Griffin