Approaching the Throne of Christ the King
“I find in Jesus a King who does not dominate or lord over me but a shepherd who is strong and gentle in His love and leads to freedom.” – Fr. Matthew MacDonald
“I find in Jesus a King who does not dominate or lord over me but a shepherd who is strong and gentle in His love and leads to freedom.” – Fr. Matthew MacDonald
If Christ is King of the Universe, how is His Kingship enfleshed in us?
In what way is Christ the King? Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects on the last Solemnity and Sunday of the Church’s liturgical year, in this excerpt from his classic Carmelite meditation book “Divine Intimacy”.
How is Christ’s Kingdom different from the Kingdoms of this world? Find out as Fr. John Bartunek reflects on the Gospel for this coming Sunday, The Solemnity of Christ the King.
On this Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, Liz Estler explores what it means for Christ to be enthroned in our hearts.
How is Jesus the Universal King? When was this solemnity established? And, by whom? Find out as Carmelite Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects on Christ as King of the Universe.
Crumbs for a Banquet Feast Only one who has never been at the great banquet feast of Christ will insist that the crumbs under the
I posted this over at the National Catholic Register – thought you would appreciate it… Each year the ornaments, greenery, and tinsel make an earlier
Litany of Christ the King Lord, have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us,Christ, have mercy on us.
Christ the Divine King Oh, divine King, most amiable Jesus, my Redeemer, my Savior, my Spouse, my Master, and model, I renew today the total