Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter, Apostle
Why do we celebrate the Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter? Liz Estler reflects in this short essay.
Why do we celebrate the Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter? Liz Estler reflects in this short essay.
Why is the feast of the dedication of the Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran so important to the Church and its Catholicity? Find out when Liz Estler presents an excerpt from a catechetical instruction by Saint Cyril of Jerusalem.
Pope St. Leo the Great explains how the Church of Christ rises on the firm foundation of Saint Peter’s faith.
Is it healthy to criticize Pope Francis? How much is too much? Therapist Allison Ricciardi, L.M.H.C. reflects on what can come of “prosecuting” the Pope.
What does the Feast of the Chair of Peter have to do with mercy? Find out when Liz Estler reflects on important Church celebration.
Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica November 9 “The anniversary of the dedication of the Lateran Basilica, which was erected by the Emperor