The Bread of Life and the Need of the Human Heart
“Something in us goads against death even as its alienating power threatens all that is most dear to us. How do we find our standing when our hearts are weak?” – Dr. Anthony Lilles
“Something in us goads against death even as its alienating power threatens all that is most dear to us. How do we find our standing when our hearts are weak?” – Dr. Anthony Lilles
“As we grapple with the sacredness of life and spiritual poverty as a people, God is also at work, ready to support us when we choose life. He can heal what is wounded. He can make whole what has been shattered.”
— Dr. Anthony Lilles
“Mary’s openness to the blessings of God chart a way forward for humanity toward an eternal sacred order before which the exigencies of each historical moment must yield.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles
“To enter into the Gates of Holiness is to find shelter from the dangerous voids that otherwise haunt our existence.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles
Join us for Lectio Divina on the Gospels of Christmas!
“There are many stories of St. Nicholas coming to the aid of the poor in his own lifetime, even raising from death those who suffered under great evil. Among the monks, there are men who also have been raised up by Christ to begin the discipline of the Christian life anew.” – Dr. Anthony Lilles
Even in the midst of our trials and spiritual poverty, a song of thanksgiving rises.
How does Christ awaken in our hearts when we pray?
Dr. Anthony Lilles reflects on the idea of a true liberal arts education and the idea of an authentic Catholic University according to St. John Henry Newman and from his own experiences.
Could disbelief in the Real Presence be based out of fear? If Jesus is present in the Blessed Sacrament, then it demands a radical response.