Let Your Legacy Bloom for Eternity
“After my death, I will let fall a shower of roses. I will spend my heaven doing good upon earth…” – St. Thérese of Lisieux
There are many ways you can make a gift that lasts beyond your lifetime!
Add Us to Your Will
A bequest is the act of leaving a gift to someone in a will. You can leave a bequest in a will or trust to the Avila Foundation or Apostoli Viae by adding the following language to your will.
“I give, devise, and bequeath to the Avila Foundation (or Apostoli Viae), a nonprofit corporation currently located at 800 Cauthen Drive, Montgomery, AL 36105, an amount equal to _____________ percent (_______%) of the value of my estate at the time of my death to be used for general purposes of their mission.”
Create a Will
Most people don’t have wills created because they don’t know how to make one — and planning for the future can be overwhelming. We partnered with My Catholic Will to simplify the process and make this a peaceful and effective way to honor the Lord with your legacy.
Their user-friendly platform guides you through every step of creating a will, ensuring that your intentions are respected while adhering to Catholic principles. You can make one in 15 minutes on mycatholicwill.com/avila for free. Just use coupon code AVILA.
Click here to create your will: https://mycatholicwill.com/avila
Since your legacy is important, we want to share your story, too. Anyone that includes a gift to the Avila Foundation or Apostoli Viae in your will, will be added to our legacy program, Sts. Louis and Zèlie Martin Family Legacy Garden of Life
Click here to add your story!
Other ways you can donate
- Beneficiary designations in a retirement fund i.e. IRA, 401(k), 403(b)
- Tax-free required minimum distribution
- Beneficiary designation in a life insurance policy
- Outright gift of life insurance cash value
- Gift of securities (stock or mutual fund)
- Gift of real estate