Monsignor Pope on Angels and Demons
Two video presentations on angels and demons by Monsignor Charles Pope.
Two video presentations on angels and demons by Monsignor Charles Pope.
“If we want Ash Wednesday Catholics to become All Sunday Catholics, maybe we can learn to build on what brings them in the first place and be less anxious to echo the opening words of Jesus’ public ministry, ‘Repent and Believe the Gospel!’” – Monsignor Charles Pope
“True gratitude is a grace, a gift, that comes from a heart deeply moved, astonished, and aware of the fact that God is so very good.” – Monsignor Charles Pope
“It takes a lifetime of joy and challenge, tenderness and tension, difficulty and growth, in order for a husband and wife to summon each other to the holiness that God gives.” – Monsignor Charles Pope
Our glory is a humble, derived, reflected one. Whatever spark of glory we have it is but a spark; it is from God, whose glory is unsurpassable. – Monsignor Charles Pope
“There are many paradoxes and seeming impossibilities in the Incarnation. They cannot be fully solved, so they claim our reverence.” – Monsignor Charles Pope
Monsignor Charles Pope offers a parable on the lies of the devil and the empty promises of this world.
God’s wrath is His “passion” to set things right. His wrath is His work to root out sin and injustice and bring forth holiness and righteousness, Monsignor Pope reflects.
“Courage and holy boldness, fellow Catholics! The only way we will change the world (by grace) is to be Catholic through and through.”-Monsignor Charles Pope
Monsignor Charles Pope considers the need for true friendship.