On the Longing of Creation To Be Set Free
“One day when Christ comes again, creation, now yearning, will receive the healing for which it longs.” – Monsignor Charles Pope
“One day when Christ comes again, creation, now yearning, will receive the healing for which it longs.” – Monsignor Charles Pope
“Sacrifice without obedience is a sham.” – Monsignor Charles Pope
“Holy Communion is not a ‘come one, come all’ event.” – Monsignor Charles Pope
“As we ponder the Trinity, consider that although there are some things we can know by revelation, much more is beyond our understanding.” – Monsignor Charles Pope
“What you feed, grows. If we feed the flesh it will grow. If we feed the spirit it will grow. What are you feeding?” – Monsignor Charles Pope
“As we read the Passion we must understand that this is not merely an account of the behavior of people long gone, they are portraits of you and me; we do these things.” – Monsignor Charles Pope
“Mortal sins happen. Frequent confession is a salutary and proper remedy that takes such sin seriously but does not despair of God’s mercy.” – Monsignor Charles Pope
“In marriages, families and parishes, the rough and tumble of human interactions is often permitted by God to smooth us, polish us and beautify us.” – Monsignor Charles Pope
“We celebrate at night so as to bid farewell to the darkness. It cannot prevail. It is destined to be scattered by a Light far more powerful than it is, a Light it must obey, a Light that overwhelms and replaces it.” – Monsignor Charles Pope.
“May none of us ever forget that we are still reflected in Mary’s eyes and in the eyes of God to whom she intercedes for us. What a beautiful mercy.” – Monsignor Charles Pope