Purification in the Desert: Part 26 Mini-Course on Prayer
Continuing his series on prayer, David Torkington reveals that the inner desert is a place to confront our inner demons.
Continuing his series on prayer, David Torkington reveals that the inner desert is a place to confront our inner demons.
David Torkington explores the need to connect the charismatic movement to the contemplative way.
How did the Early Christians endure persecution with such courage? David Torkington explains that they were no strangers to the dark night and daily death to self which prepared many for their martyrdom.
Did the early Christians reach the heights of mystical prayer? David Torkington continues his series on contemplation.
David Torkington continues his discussion of contemplative prayer with a closer look at the meaning of mystical theology.
Today David Torkington continues with the third series of reflections in the Mini-course on prayer, turning his focus to mystical contemplation.
St. Francis brought back to life the humanity of Jesus Christ in the minds and in the imaginations of his contemporaries.
David Torkington continues his mini-course on prayer with a reflection on our prayerful participation in the Holy Mass.
David Torkington discusses the importance of short prayers said throughout the day as an aid to recollection.
David Torkington explores the advantages of a dedicated time and space for prayer and love as the greatest knowledge.