Serving Australia

Who We Are

Who we are: This part of is run by Australians as a local support to Australasians and to give them a way to find and connect with local community. We want to help others to grow in holiness by providing sound teaching on prayer and the spiritual life. We want people to discover God’s call in their lives so they can become saints.

ResourcesWe recommend some great books to help people learn about the spiritual life. is packed full with great formation and the Apostoli Viae website offers community, free courses and more including meeting with other Catholics around the world twice a month. The Avila Institute for Spiritual Formation offers authentic and life-changing education under the patronage of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, the mission of the Avila Institute is to draw Christians worldwide into deeper union with Christ through mystagogically oriented spiritual education and formation.

Mental Prayer Invitation: The key to growing spiritually is mental prayer. Dan Burke’s book, Into the Deep, and a free 5 part video course on mental prayer will help you advance in the spiritual life. We invite you to commit to 15 minutes of mental prayer a day and we offer to personally support you in establishing this most necessary habit. Find out more.

Connect: We have a number of Gospel Encounter Groups where we reflect on the following Sunday’s readings. These meet every fortnight and are open for anyone to join. There is a also the Sojourner’s group which is working through the Introduction to the Devout Life by St Francis de Sales. As well as the Apostoli Viae website where you can connect with us personally. If you have any questions please contact us at we would love to help

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