All around us, there is greater and greater evidence that there is a need—a great and pressing need—for the purification and restoration of the spiritual well-being of the Church. Just when we think we’ve heard everything, there’s more bad news.
By now you are probably aware of the recent survey which revealed that only 26% of Catholics under 40 believe in the True Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. ( It’s a painful truth to face. It’s also a call to greater action, to greater trust, to deeper prayer. It’s a challenge, and it is issued to each and every one of us.
Even amidst the tumult of the world, surrounded by a firestorm of scandal and crushed by the disbelief of even our fellow Catholics, we are the ones called to lean into God’s promises. We are the ones invited to plunge even more deeply into the work of prayer and redemption, beginning in our own souls and extending to Christ’s Body all over the world.
God is calling us. How will we respond?
I have always tried to make my life one of a total ‘yes’ to Him – from my own quest for truth which led me to belief in the Eucharist and the Catholic Church, to the start of as a way to fill a gap in authentic spiritual guidance online, to the birth of the Avila Institute, Divine Intimacy Radio, and the High Calling Seminary Preparation program. I have the great joy of witnessing people transformed by drinking the pure clear waters of the Holy Spirit and by consuming the wealth of the Church’s richest teaching over my many years in this work. I have the privilege of watching young men being formed and fortified as our future faithful priests.
It gives me great hope for our future—and I am humbled by how powerfully God is using our efforts to draw souls to Himself.
But I want to be personal with you.
It also crushes me that there are so many more we could reach among the poor, the young, the unformed, the suffering. Nothing is stopping us from reaching millions more – except a lack of funds.
While our team is stronger than ever, while our vision is clear and we are committed to the long-term transformation of the Church and world, while we are ready to bring redemption and healing and to be a conduit of grace to all those seeking the truth, we need you to join us in our mission. If you have already said “yes” in some way, I am grateful, but I am also asking you to dig deeper still. I am not above begging for your help. There is simply too much at stake when souls are at stake.
Here’s where you come in:
I have four specific areas where we are expanding rapidly and desperately need your prayers and material assistance:
Our Outreach to Young Catholics:
- An exciting new ‘Saints & Sages’ podcast geared toward engaging young Catholics
Our Outreach through Prayer:
- A beautiful Contemplative Rosary App in its final stages of production targeted at re-igniting devotion to the Rosary
Our Outreach through EWTN Radio and Digital Distribution Channels
- A continuing popular series on marriage spirituality on Divine Intimacy Radio
Our Outreach and Formation of Young Men Who Embrace the High Calling of Priesthood
- A rapidly growing number of priests and religious who are seeking out our resources and formation – but need financial support.
I am convinced now more than ever that it is time for the harvest. The very force and desperation of Satan’s attack is evidence of it. By keeping us confused, focused on the negative, and complacent, he is actively trying to steal the Church’s choicest fruit. Will you help me reclaim hearts for Christ? Will you, with your financial support, help us to restore faith in Him, His Church, and His True Presence? Will you join me in the vineyard?
We need good people animated by the spirit of the Gospel to contribute financially to God’s work through the Avila Foundation. We need prayerful people to be our reinforcements, to support us in spiritual battles and our very real material needs.
In a very concrete and direct way, we need you.
I am pleading. Please give, please be generous, and then watch what God does.
Let us not grow weary of doing good; if we do not relax our efforts, in due time we shall reap our harvest. – Galatians 6: 9
Just as you require monthly income to meet a monthly budget, we too are most grateful for monthly support. Can you give $10, $25, $50, or even $100 a month?
For instance:
- A monthly donation of $10 can help support the ongoing efforts of ‘Saints & Sages’ to reach younger generations in becoming closer to Christ and the new series on ‘Divine Intimacy Radio’ on marriage spirituality.
- $25 per month can help bring the rosary to you and others through an exquisitely designed app on your phone or tablet.

- A monthly donation of $25 will provide two courses in the School of Spiritual Formation to a priest or religious who has taken a vow of poverty or to a layperson who does not have the funds to attend. $50 will double the number of courses we can give on scholarship!
This course made me realize why being in a religious order and being an ordered priest, we have our ‘Rule of Life’. The rules are approved by the Church and they are there for a reason. Obeying the rule will help me reach Union with God. I professed them and observed them outwardly, yet in my heart not really observed them. I plan on not just showing up but also making the best of my community morning meditation time and my evening spiritual reading time, for I can see that these practices of piety are indeed there for my spiritual progress. ~ Testimony from a priest attending the School of Spiritual Formation
- A monthly donation of $100 with provide two of the twelve courses needed for a seminarian to graduate from the High Calling program.
- A donation of $5,000 will sponsor one seminarian through the High Calling program — seminarians like the ones below who have attended the High Calling program:

I thank you in advance for your generosity. There are no words to describe how grateful we are for you and for your support. You are in our prayers each and every day.
Yours in Christ,

Dan Burke
President and Founder