The Queen of Seasons
(A Song for an Inclement May)


All is divine
which the Highest has made,
Through the days that He wrought,
till the day when He stay’d;
Above and below,
within and around,
From the centre of space,
to its uttermost bound.

In beauty surpassing
the Universe smiled,
On the morn of its birth,
like an innocent child
Or like the rich bloom
of some delicate flower;
And the Father rejoiced
in the work of His power.

Yet worlds brighter still,
and a brighter than those,
And a brighter again,
He had made, had He chose;
And you never could name
that conceivable best,
To exhaust the resources
the Maker possess’d.

But I know of one work
of his Infinite Hand,
Which special and singular
ever must stand;

Queen of seasonsSo perfect, so pure,
and of gifts such a store,
That even Omnipotence
ne’er shall do more.

The freshness of May,
and the sweetness of June,
And the fire of July
in its passionate noon,
Munificent August,
September serene,
Are together no match
for my glorious Queen.

O Mary, all months
and all days are thine own,
In thee lasts their joyousness,
when they are gone;
And we give to thee May,
not because it is best,
But because it comes first,
and is pledge of the rest.


Written by Blessed John Henry Newman, C.O. (Congregation of the Oratory)
from The Oratory, 1850
PD-US Published in the US prior to January 1, 1923

*A possible second miracle is being investigated by the Vatican. If confirmed, it may lead to his canonization.


Art for this post on the Queen of seasons: Detail from The Coronation of the Virgin, Willem Vrelant, early 1460s, PD-US published in the U.S. prior to January 1, 1923, PD-US author’s life plus 100 years or less, Wikimedia Commons; Immaculate Conception Portrait, Esteban Murillo, Restored Traditions, used with permission; Mirror of detail of Immaculée Conception (Immaculate Conception), Michel Oster, 19th century, PD-US copyright expired, Wikimedia Commons.

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