Sharon Lee Giganti:
Advance Praise for “Navigating the Interior Life: Spiritual Direction and the Journey to God”

This book is positively rich in “helps” for the person seeking sound spiritual direction, and wanting to learn how to rightly order and cultivate a good interior life. Dan Burke has written the “go-to” guide for any question you have about spiritual direction and making progress in the spiritual life. All the information you need, from a most trustworthy source–I highly recommend it! — Sharon Lee Giganti
To learn more about Navigating the Interior Life – Spiritual Direction and the Journey to God, which covers the important pathways to peace and holiness and will serve the souls of those who are seeking to deepen their relationship with God, click here.
Sharon Lee Giganti is a Catholic Answers speaker and New Age expert. Her web site is a great resource for a Catholic perspective on the New Age movement.
Photograph of Sharon Lee Giganti provided by Sharon and used with her permission. Photograph of the cover of Dan Burke’s new book “Navigating the Interior Life: Spiritual Direction and the Journey to God”, which is published by Emmaus Press, was provided by Dan Burke and used with permission.