Catechism – Contemplative Prayer – 2709

Contemplative Prayer — Catechism Paragraph 2709

catechism paragraph 2709What is contemplative prayer? St. Teresa answers: “Contemplative prayer [oración mental] in my opinion is nothing else than a close sharing between friends; it means taking time frequently to be alone with him who we know loves us.” Contemplative prayer seeks him “whom my soul loves.” It is Jesus, and in him, the Father. We seek him, because to desire him is always the beginning of love, and we seek him in that pure faith which causes us to be born of him and to live in him. In this inner prayer we can still meditate, but our attention is fixed on the Lord himself.


This quote is from St. Teresa of Jesus (also known as St. Teresa of Avila), Doctor of the Church, The Book of Her Life, 8, 5, in The Collected Works of St. Teresa of Avila, tr. K. Kavanaugh, OCD, and O. Rodriguez, OCD (Washington DC: Institute of Carmelite Studies, 1976, Volume I, 67.


Art for this post on contemplative prayer found in Catechism paragraph 2709 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church: Catechism of the Catholic Church Book Cover Second Edition “revised in accordance with the official Latin text promoted by Pope [Saint] John Paul II” photographed by unknown Avila Foundation team member.

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