Advent: A Sacred Ache
“It seemed like centuries of ache coursing through me. It blew through caverns in me I didn’t know were there. I gave in to it. I gave it space to wail itself out.” – Claire Dwyer
“It seemed like centuries of ache coursing through me. It blew through caverns in me I didn’t know were there. I gave in to it. I gave it space to wail itself out.” – Claire Dwyer
“When we see writing as a way to magnify the Lord and minimize ourselves, we realize that honest writing is not only refreshing and liberating, but humbling in a spiritually healthy way.” – Claire Dwyer
“How do you allow obedience to set you free in your daily life?” Fr. Derek Sakowski offers a reflection on obedience and the rule of St. Benedict.
Go to the point of your greatest fear and God will meet you there.
Claire Dwyer reflects on an Old Testament story that reveals the “God who sees.”
Fr. Boniface Hicks reveals how St. Joseph’s obedience protected the mystery of Mary’s virginity.
How is God’s will for us manifested? And, what is the value of obedience to that will? Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects in this excerpt from his Carmelite meditation classic “Divine Intimacy”.
What of subjection, obedience and curbing our wordiness can help us grow spiritually? Find out when Thomas a Kempis reflects in an excerpt from the “Imitation of Christ”.
Besides honoring God, could the law He gave to Moses help us personally as well? Patti Maguire Armstrong makes a case that living according to the Decalogue is better for us spiritually, physically, emotionally.
What is supernatural obedience? How does it benefit us to exercise it? Find out as Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects in this excerpt from the classic Carmelite meditation book “Divine Intimacy”.