The Victory of the Cross
What is the supreme paradox of death and life which reaches unity in Jesus?
What is the supreme paradox of death and life which reaches unity in Jesus?
Father Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalen reflects on the Eucharist, the gift of Love, instituted by Christ on Holy Thursday night.
Why should we not fear the end of our mortal lives? What example does Christ’s death on the Cross give to us?
What should true mortification aim at?
Why is the Cross good for us? Why do we need passive suffering?
While Contemplative Prayer is a gift from God, one can seek to pray in a contemplative way. Connie Rossini explains.
How do we acquire humility of heart?
David Torkington explores the need to connect the charismatic movement to the contemplative way.
What does Christ’s prediction of His Passion mean for us? What lessons can we draw from it?
As we begin the spiritual discipline of Lent today, let us reflect on why it is important to unite ourselves to the sufferings of Christ both spiritually and corporeally.